Support our Students with the Winter Art Sale

An insightful roundup of recent news at 71 North

Student Artists Winter Art Sale

71 North and the NIU Library are hosting a Winter Sale event in support of the NIU School of Art and Design student artists.

If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Wayne Dyer

This Week


2:00 pm NIU Foundation

■ 4:30 pm Tech-No maybe Tacos


12:30 pm 40TUDE Nonprofit

■ 4:30 pm Makers Club

■ 5:00 pm Lean & Agile Practice


9:00 am Winter Art Sale

■ 5:00 pm Indie Game Dev Org

■ 5:00 pm Innovation Club


8:30 am School of Art & Design

10:00 am Winter Art Sale

■ 4:00 pm Appy Hour

You’re Invited to Innovation Graduation!

Join us for a meet & greet occasion to celebrate a semester of activities.

December 14th, 5 pm

ingenious bar

71 North Partnership Studio

RSVP by December 12th

Fran, Sofia, Brandon, Marial Luisa (e-board)

Decorate & Innovate 2023

Makers Club members are making soap bars and ornaments on Wednesday.

Would you like to decorate an ornaments?

Stop by, unplug, decorate, and we’ll put your ornament on the tree.

Would you like to decorate some of the studio ornaments? Stop by, unplug, decorate, and we’ll put your ornament on the tree.

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